Air Fryer Onion Rings

These easy to make rings are a perfect combination of salty bacon and slightly sweet onion that will leave you craving more.

These savory bites are perfect for game nights or any other casual gatherings.


Regular cut bacon

Salt and pepper

Maple syrup (for the optional sweet glaze)


Cut the onion into thick slices, about ½ inch thick. Combine the larger rings into sets of 2.

Season each set of onion rings with salt and black pepper.

Carefully tightly wrap each onion ring set with a slice of bacon to cover.

Lightly brush maple syrup on each of the bacon onion rings.

Transfer bacon-wrapped onion rings onto an air fryer tray or small baking tray, then cook.

Remove once bacon turns golden brown or until onion is tender and bacon is done to your liking.

Serve this bacon wrapped onion rings with your favorite dipping sauce. Enjoy!

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